Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tectonic Change area

Close up of a frogs head, its eyes and nose sticking up over the surface of the water.

Do you remember what happens to a frog which is drop in boiling water?
It immediately jumps out of the pot.

On the contrary, when placed in cold water which is progressively brought to a boiling point, it remains in the water and dies.

Do you know why?

Because the signal of change is too weak in the second case to create a survival reflex.

Aren't we all a big "froggy"?
Arent't we all a little blind to the signals of change that are all around us?

That's exactly the point we refer to in our Corporation Map if we look at The "Tectonic Change Area" 

This is where some of the most destructive "Business Tsunamis" have originated! like the financial "crisis" of 2008. High waves of Innovation keep washing out the old-fashioned Businesses and Industries, obsolete Management systems, decaying Thinking approaches etc. etc. Today, new warning signals appear and are getting stronger. But a majority of companies continue to ignore them.

We should all learn to better feel and sense the world as it emerges, instead of treying to make it fit in our old perceptions and models. 

"We are living through one of the most fundamental shifts in history — a change in the actual belief structure of Western society. No economic, political, or military power can compare with the power of a change of mind. By deliberately changing their images of reality, people are changing the world."
— Willis Harman, Global Mind Change

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Corporation Map

Our "Corporation Map" is a metaphorical island on which you will find the majority of natural, structural and irrational elements that are present in organisations, companies or working communities. After all, all of them are human and economic ecosystems.

Contrary to what happens on a "normal" island where the weather imposes itself to the population, on our island, the leader and the managers are responsible for the quality and the consistency of the overall climate.

In other words, strong, enlightened leadership and management keep correcting,
reducing and/or eliminating the "sinister" elements which plague the left area of the island.
At the same time, they create and constantly optimise operating conditions to generate results and contribute to the success of their customers! While inventing the Future!

As any island, ours is surrounded by an external context made of various seas
and oceans on which and under which things are taking place: events, changes,
paradigm shifts etc.

Next week, we will start the guided visit in more details 
In the meantime, you can have a look at the Corporation Map on our website.

The Corporation Map

Our "Corporation Map" is a metaphorical island on which you will find the majority of natural, structural and irrational elements that are present in organisations, companies or working communities. After all, all of them are human and economic ecosystems.

Contrary to what happens on a "normal" island where the weather imposes itself to the population, on our island, the leader and the managers are responsible for the quality and the consistency of the overall climate.

In other words, strong, enlightened leadership and management keep correcting, reducing and/or eliminating the "sinister" elements which plague the left area of the island. At the same time, they create and constantly optimise operating conditions to generate results and contribute to the success of their customers! While inventing the Future!

As any island, ours is surrounded by an external context made of various seas and oceans on which and under which things are taking place: events, changes, paradigm shifts etc.

Next week, we will start a guided visit of specif areas. 
In the meantime, you can have a look at the whole Corporation Map on our website. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

We have been interviewed by PUB and Greenhouse|BBC as part of a group of 12 experts about the growth blockages CEOs are facing today and how to overcome them. In the interview, we share the learnings and insights gained through our work with CEOs and what can be done to avoid these pitfalls. 

We think that you will find the interviews interesting and revealing. Here's the link 
where you can read more and get your copy

Every week, you will discover the insights and recommendations of one of the 12 experts. 
You can choose to download, read or listen to the interview - whichever suits you best.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jazz and Management: a new art and science of collaboration

Let’s take the metaphor of Jazz….
Jazz Combos as the metaphor of an organisation designed for
maximum learning and improvisation
They are a Group of creative “actors”
in the dynamic process of “art” creation and innovation

To make sure that musicians can improvise, play together in perfect harmony so that excellent performance is delivered to the audience, Focus and Freedom are needed   
  • WHAT? FOR WHOM? Musicians know the pieces that will be played (The shared Focus they serve) and the audience they play for (The customers)
  • HOW? Musicians know the harmonic structure of the piece which defines the sequence of chords (The Strategy and the objectives)
  • WHEN? AT WHAT RYTHM? Musicians agree on the tempo and pace at which they play (The sense of urgency)
  • Musicians know how to play their instrument (The Skills, know how, experiences, attitudes and aptitudes) 

Musicians have a real “Art and Science of Collaboration” , i.e. serving the WHOLE, soloing and supporting, replacing Ego by “Alter Ego” in a peer culture,  listening deeply to each other-  they are passionate about music and enjoy playing together

Now, if we think of your company ...…
In a revolutionary economic context  where TRUE and pertinent innovation is products, in services, in organisation, in management...

...because “being GOOD” is the Olympic Minimum
...because we are supposed to “make the difference”, thus to offer something  NOT BANAL to our customers (superior, unprecedented added value)
..because the unprecedented scope of changes we face and the need for al members of our company at all levels to think, plan, innovate and act in new ways.....

For sure we need an organisation that would allow maximum learning and improvisation
For sure, we can see teams as a Group of creative “actors”
in the dynamic process of “Knowledge” creation and innovation, thanks to a new Art and Science of collaboration. 

To succed, we need new metaphors.  
From the Symphony Orchestra...
Pre-scripted musical scores
Single conductor as Leader
"Top Down" control system
No improvisation 

To Jazz Big Bands   and/or   Jazz Combos 
  (Combination of Musicians) 
Evolutive Repertoire
Leader and Peer Culture
Musical direction
Pre-scripted scores and Improvisation

Companies need to replace
Control and Command and Freedom !

Have a look at our Jazz and Company workshop 
To build a new Art of Collaboration and foster Collective Intelligence